This analysis compares two or more drugs, devices, tests, or procedures to find out which provides more outcomes for the cost of treatment or which has the lowest cost for a given outcome. This means that the outcomes of all treatments being compared must be measured in the same units.
For example, Drug A for epilepsy results in 90 days without seizure. Drug B costs twice as much, but increases the number of days without seizure to 240. So Drug B gives better outcomes for the money spent as 240 (the outcome) divided by two (the cost) equals 120, which is more than Drug A’s 90 days. Examples of other uniform outcome measures are reduced blood sugar levels, days without cancer symptoms progressing, and years of survival. The more specific an outcome measure the less useful it is in making comparisons between technologies. For example, a measure in terms of cancer symptoms will be less useful in comparing cancer drugs with drugs for multiple sclerosis, so there is a preference for common measures such as life years gained (or quality‐adjusted life‐years gained). HTAI