Medical services:

Medical services can be publicly funded so that you can access them at a much lower cost and sometimes for free.

An independent committee called the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) advises the Australian Government about which services should be funded on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and other programs (such as blood products or screening programs).

It does this by assessing the best available evidence of a medical service’s safety, clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and total cost compared to an existing service for a condition. The experience with living with a condition or caring, supporting or advocating for people with a condition may mean you have important insights that could help the committee give better informed advice.

There are two times for giving input:

  1. Before the PICO Advisory Sub Committee (PASC) meets
  2. Before the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) meets

We list these dates in two tables, because an application does not usually move from the PASC meeting to the next MSAC meeting. Also, not every application goes to PASC.


Want to know more? Check out our handy guide about Giving input about what is funded on the Medicare Benefits Schedule

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