This project involved a strong partnership between PVI and CaPPRe.
Community and Patient Preference Research (CaPPRe) are experts in understanding what people value (their preferences) in all important areas of life. CaPPRe’s research covers wellbeing, health, environment, arts and culture, infrastructure, and more.
Research objectives
To understand the needs and preferences of PCs (patient organisations, online PCs and patient advocates) when interacting with biopharmaceutical companies:
- What engagement aspects (strategies) are important to PCs?
- How satisfied are PCs with each of the engagement aspects?
- What is their overall level of PC satisfaction with engagements?
- What changes would PCs recommend to improve engagements?
The results of the research will ensure the biopharmaceutical industry has a well-developed understanding and appreciation of these communities’ preferences, needs, and priorities.
The results will be used to create a roadmap on what needs to be done to improve PC satisfaction in the short and longer term.
It is expected that the future wave of research will be conducted to assess whether changes made by biopharmaceutical companies as a result of this report had a positive impact on PC satisfaction when interacting with biopharmaceutical companies and to potentially identify any emerging new needs.
Final report: